



2024-07-16 07:03:46 来源:网络


用英语翻译下写句子,要标准噢 -
1、这是旅馆里最好的房间this is the best room in this hotel.2、那座教堂是我们城市里最古老的建筑that church is the oldest building in our city.3、他是班上最聪明的学生he is the most clever student in our class.4、昨天是今年最热的一天yesterday is the hottest day of this是什么。
1.我叫某某,我的电话号码是。。My name is 好了吧!My phone number is 好了吧!2.我住在北京丰台区I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.3.住在哪里已经十多年了I have lived in there for more than ten years.4.我喜欢哪里,因为我出生在哪里,I like there, because I was born in there好了吧!.


标准翻译成英语 -
Standard (衡量事物的准则;榜样;规范)standard;criterion;benchmark;pip;rule;ètalon (衡器);merits:达到标准be up to the standard;按我们的标准来看by our standards;用高标准要求自己set high demands on oneself;制定一个标准lay down a criterion;设计标准design criterion;合乎标准up to t有帮助请点赞。
Kids say it all Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground,Ms.Smith stopped to gently reprove the child.Smiling sweetly,the Sunday School teacher said " Bobby,when I was a child I was told if that if I made ugly faces,my face would freeze and stay后面会介绍。
英语翻译 要标准的~ -
译:We go to the same school.我们去同一所学校.
All I can suggest is try launching the actualy authing tools -- This can indicate where the problem is possibly, like always, verifying game cache is a nice idea -- You'll likely need to go to the dev forums and report the issue though 我只能建议试着推出其实院办身份验证工具是什么。
英语翻译句子 写作需要用到 一定要标准 -
This is very necessary. Every Chinese citizen should prepare for this undesirable situation.希望对你有帮助。
以上请翻译成中文,谢谢!1、take french leave 不辞而别2、a stony heart 铁石心肠3、at one's fingertips 唾手可得4、have a hand like a foot 情同手足5、show one’s color 还以颜色6、return good for evil 以德报怨7、shut one's eyes to 视而不见8、talk black into 是什么。
英语翻译 标准一些. -
From then on,the production has never met a setback.我看见他把钥匙插入锁孔中。insert ..into)I saw him was inserting the key into the lockhole.我建议你把钱存入银行。make a deposit)I advise you that you should make a deposit in a bank.昨天,王先生结账离开了那家旅馆。说完了。